We wish to warn you that since Addictive Drums files are downloaded from an external source, FDM Lib bears no responsibility for the safety of such downloads. I use both Roland V-drums and a MIDI controller all the time with Addictive Drums and Addictive Keys. set it to 64 or 128 and you should have no trouble tracking live. restart the audio engine with the toolbar button.
But I have my own compressors, reverbs and EQs, and I don't know why I have to be limited to what they provide. To download the product you want for free, you should use the link provided below and proceed to the developers website, as this is the only legal source to get Addictive Drums. use the Saffire app to change the buffer size. That's what I have done, and it seems to be how they want the program to be used. If I work by tweaking the mix presets that come with Addictive Drums 2 and just send it out through the master stereo, I get good results.

But mainly it doesn't work because that puts rides and crash drums on the same fader and I want to have the option to use the Overhead and Room mics in my mix.

This doesn't completely work, because even if all the other drums are set at zero, you still hear them. XLN Audio suggests the workaround of using the Overhead or Room faders by turning down the volume from the other drums and turning up the volume on the cymbals. If you select Sync Play/Stop the beat will be triggered by using the main transport control on your DAW. I can, of course, set the volume different for each one within the program, as I can for everything else. Syncing Addictive Drums 2 to your host You can sync AD2 to your DAW host tempo by simply switching on the Sync Tempo button found on the Transport within the Beats Page. Since this is an upgraded version the company has made improvements and additions across the board. So I can understand the confusion it doesnt mention VSTi at all, but I strongly suspect that to use in conjunction with any other software, thats what the interface will be. The second version of Addictive Drums has all the samples, effects, channels, etc. I can trigger up to 6 different cymbals in my AD kits, but all of them are routed through the Overhead or Room Mics. Reason 9.5 (In Addictive Drums 2, the Bus channel cannot be sent to a separate out track.) Sonar X2, X3 and Artist/Pro/Platinum.
All 10 faders, plus overhead, room, bus, and master faders can be routed to separate channels to my DAW. In Addictive Drums 2, I have faders for Kick, Snare, Hihat, Toms 1,2,3,4 and three "Flexi" output faders, where I can route a host of things from claps to woodblocks.